This is sort of the direction I think I'm headed with Baby Three's room. (Baby Three still remains completely nameless). The work begins now that we are through the busiest part of the holidays, and BJ is still home on vacation until Jan. 5. Hopefully I can get most of the furniture and bedding ordered over the next week. And then we will clean out the little guy's room,which is now packed full of boxes which are packed full of stuff that needs to be sorted and re-packed for storage. There's a lot of work to be done over the next 3 1/2 now the work and the countdown begin!
Declared and Done
2 days ago
I LOVE THAT!!!!!!!
So "you"!!!!!!!! Very very nice choice in bedding!!!
Are you going to register anywhere?
How well will the seasons "match up" with Schaeffer's baby clothes???
Thanks Cindy! Schaeffer's room is in primary colors with more emphasis on red. This time I thought I'd put more emphasis on blue. But both rooms should be interchangeable if the boys ever needed to share a room. I'm hoping Baby Three will be able to wear all of Schaeffer's hand-me-downs. This little guy will be born close to the same season - spring vs. summer. At first he'll probably just wear a bunch of sleepers and onesies so that should be pretty easy. Schaeffer is a big boy for his age so if his brother proves to be the same then we will be set for life :-)
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