Griffin James Withrow
Born Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 11:06 a.m.
6 lbs 14 oz, 18.5 inches
BJ came into the living room this morning a few minutes after 11:00 a.m. and reminded me that Griffin was born just one week ago today. Amazing! Time sure does fly by. Griffin is doing great. He is a sweet precious baby boy. He sleeps well and eats like a champ. Today was his first pediatrician appointment. He is healthy and growing like a weed. He's already 7 lbs 3 oz. Dr. F was impressed by his growth rate in his first week - he attributed it to my "super-powered breast milk" (sorry if that's TMI but I'm quite proud). Griffin will need to have a follow-up ultrasound in 2-3 weeks to look at his kidneys one last time to make sure that the fluid issue is completely resolved. I fully expect it to be, and Dr. F said there was no swelling or indication of a problem but he wanted to be 100% sure - that's why I love that man as my children's pediatrician! I just feel so blessed by the birth of our newest son. I'm smitten and totally head over heels for him. Lily and Schaeffer are doing great with him. Lily loves him to pieces and Schaeffer likes to look at him and say "Baby!" We are truly blessed!
God’s Good Providence
1 week ago